Compete in the QESST Perfect Pitch on Sept. 26

QESST is having its annual “Perfect Pitch” Competition via Zoom on September 26th. Presentations should be a 90 second pitch about any innovative or entrepreneurial idea. If you are interested in participating, please email Alex Killam at so you can be added to the presentation schedule.

For more information, check out:
2017 Perfect Pitch Presentation Guidelines
2017 Perfect Pitch Slide Guidelines

The Perfect Pitch Competition, held by the NSF-ERC Association is happening again this year in Washington, D.C. The winner of the QESST competition will have the chance to travel to D.C. to compete against students from other ERCs across the country and has the opportunity to win up to $5000, like our very own QESST student, Pablo Guimera-Coll, did in the 2015 competition!